Thursday, July 16, 2009

right na na now

hey you people!!!!

uhhh i miss my blog a bit hehehe but i miss my friends even more!!!!!

so for the last 3 days i went to school we were doin' this thing called MOS (Masa Orientasi Siswa) yeah it was not too hard but it made me tepos hauahuahua

yeah for the first 2 days all we do was sitting and listening to the teachers or our senior. it's fun actually butt hurts so bad huhu

luckily the MOS was pretty cool there's no sports or PBB although every morning we have to do our flag ceremony and after school we have to do 'Apel Pulang' but there was no physical thing so yeah, me likey ;p

on the second day i went to sushi-ya with some friends guess what? yeaaaah we went to labschool after that! aha aha i miss my friends like hell. we got there and it was very quite...krik krik... we found out that everybody were at the mosque. so me and achy go for a walk then to the teacher's room. audy and lina met us there...i hug 'em. and audy crieeed and that made achy cry and that made me wanna cry. huhuhu

we wait....we wait...we wait....

and they finisheeeeed!!! yeay

i hug 'em all and we talk like we haven't met for a year. me miss you people!

i promised i'll go there on thurs. so i went there and met 'em all again. and there's Jamilaaaaa. yeay i haven't met her for a while that made me really miss heeeeer

unfortunately on the third day there's placement test. they said it will determine where we study, the class i mean. and it was haaaaaaarrrrrdddddd. no no it's not hard but the time....suck ass. for math and science we only got 1 hour to finish our 40 questions test. for the english we only got half an hour for 50 questions!!! are you crazy people?

after that we have this 'senam/aerobik' thing going on. but it was super silly (sorry to say) we're like a bunch of retarded people hahahahha

then the game time. pretty fun. made me know all the people. socializing. yeah you know im not good at it. thank God there's achy hehe

well today i was supposed to go to Lembang with the tenth grader but im going to Balii!!!! soooo friggin' excited!! they're goin' to announce the class on tuesday. scared. haha well you know im not good at socializing sooo im scared that i will have no friends. super scared. wish me luck people. pleaseeeeee. thanks

tmrw i'm goin' to Bali at 5 pm i think and stay there for 6 days. hopefully i'll have a safe flight (fyi, im aerophobic heee) and have a nice vacation aaaaand dont catch the swine flu hehehe. ameeen

byebye me love ya!

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