jadi hari ini gue gak kemanamana gitu kan. boseeeeeeeen
mana pembantu gue kabur
suck ass
jadi gue stuck dirumah gak bisa kemanamana. ada inca sih tadinya. kea work out bareng gitu. terus dia pulang ada janji sama tementemennya
jadi mesti beresin kamar sendiri. terus gue nonton doang seharian kerjaannya. minta di tabok banget
hari sebelumnya seperti biasa gue nangkring depan komputer ber jamjam
terus inca dateng baru deh gue keatas terus sebelom tidur kea cerita2 gak jelas selama 2 jam sampe jam 4. lama abis........
udah ah bye
Friday, May 29, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
gue gak jodoh banget sih sama anggur hahahah
jadi kan setiap malem gue dikasih buah gitukan?
naaah ini dikasih anggur, terus gue makan.masih gue taro di bibir gt tapi gue gigit
eeeeeh malah loncat gelinding gelinding theeeen nyangkut di kabel hahahahaha
udah ah gapenting bye
jadi kan setiap malem gue dikasih buah gitukan?
naaah ini dikasih anggur, terus gue makan.masih gue taro di bibir gt tapi gue gigit
eeeeeh malah loncat gelinding gelinding theeeen nyangkut di kabel hahahahaha
udah ah gapenting bye
Monday, May 25, 2009
25th may 2009
its monday peephole!
usually, i hate it. since it's the first day i have to wake up soooo early
but holiday made me lovvveeeeee it
the plan was :
im going to wake up at 8 am take a shower dress up and stuff
arrive at school at 9am
watch basketball match
go back to my house
go to PP
but my laziness to wake up made me have to change my plan to :
wake up at 9.30 take a shower and dress up
arrive at school at 10 am
watch allia and friends play basketball
so after i watch the basketball game. i want to go to PP rightaway. but everybody was like... 'gak boleh pulang malem' or 'mau pergi besok'. ughhhhhh i've been talking about it since last week but suddenly nobody can go? so we decided to go to nisa's home and ordered hoka hoka bento. nyuuuuum
but manda have sms refi about it. sooo literally refi have prepared herself and otw to PP.
so me and manda decided to go to PP. even though there was a lot of things that comes in our way but i have fuuuuuuuun the whole day. we laughed a lot, we talked about everything, we try on swimsuit and laugh about it. uuuuuu cant wait for the next spontaneous 'jalanjalan' hahaha
on june 1 = im going to Dufan (amen!)
june 4-9 = im going to bandung.
cant wait!
want to come?,
usually, i hate it. since it's the first day i have to wake up soooo early
but holiday made me lovvveeeeee it
the plan was :
im going to wake up at 8 am take a shower dress up and stuff
arrive at school at 9am
watch basketball match
go back to my house
go to PP
but my laziness to wake up made me have to change my plan to :
wake up at 9.30 take a shower and dress up
arrive at school at 10 am
watch allia and friends play basketball
so after i watch the basketball game. i want to go to PP rightaway. but everybody was like... 'gak boleh pulang malem' or 'mau pergi besok'. ughhhhhh i've been talking about it since last week but suddenly nobody can go? so we decided to go to nisa's home and ordered hoka hoka bento. nyuuuuum
but manda have sms refi about it. sooo literally refi have prepared herself and otw to PP.
so me and manda decided to go to PP. even though there was a lot of things that comes in our way but i have fuuuuuuuun the whole day. we laughed a lot, we talked about everything, we try on swimsuit and laugh about it. uuuuuu cant wait for the next spontaneous 'jalanjalan' hahaha
on june 1 = im going to Dufan (amen!)
june 4-9 = im going to bandung.
cant wait!
want to come?,
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
so today i woke up and got this sms from refie. she's sooooo excited to go since its our first weekend free from all kind of torture (by torture it means tests, try-outs, PM and stuff) sooooo we decided to go to Fx to watch movie and hangout. we'll meet at school and from there to fx
i went to school to watch manda allia nanda and the others play at inlabs. but then refie call me she said she cant make it to school and she will meet us at fx. since achy can drop us there, i told my driver to go home.
so me refi rara and lina go to fx aite? we watch movie( night at the museum 2, the einstein bobblehead is too cuteeeeeeeeee), go to starbucks, and finally we search for a place to eat. but...you know....its just too......expensive -_- so we move to PS
once we got to ps rara went home after that we went straight to the food court ( do you know how it feels when you're super hungry and you see food all over the place? it was like heaven :p) i've been craving for Sate Senayan for daaaayyyyssss nyuuuum
well after that we kinda confused where to sit down. starbucks? full, literally. cafe's? full, this time i mean for my lovely big and puffy tummy. outside? it's so hooootty hooot. we went around, around, around. and finally Coffee Bean is the lucky place.
we're there for a while but then refie have this feeling that some guys have been watching us since we're at the foodcourt -_- when that guys move their seats to the table beside ours she got really paranoid sooo we have to leave our comfy place and.....back to the foodcourt haha
it was already 9.37 when finally achy's ride arrived. she drop us at school (thanks chy!) and my sister pick me up. she watched the same movie that day so we talk about it all the way home
once we got home my mom was like....'kok malem banget sih?!' and my dad has this 'cemberut' face because i got home at 10.30 sorry mom and dad.
but it was lots of fuuuuun. i cant wait for monday. me manda and the others are planning to go to pp or fx to watch angels and demons. wohooooo i've planned everything for the whole week. cant wait!
soooo whatcha gonna do?,
i went to school to watch manda allia nanda and the others play at inlabs. but then refie call me she said she cant make it to school and she will meet us at fx. since achy can drop us there, i told my driver to go home.
so me refi rara and lina go to fx aite? we watch movie( night at the museum 2, the einstein bobblehead is too cuteeeeeeeeee), go to starbucks, and finally we search for a place to eat. but...you know....its just too......expensive -_- so we move to PS
once we got to ps rara went home after that we went straight to the food court ( do you know how it feels when you're super hungry and you see food all over the place? it was like heaven :p) i've been craving for Sate Senayan for daaaayyyyssss nyuuuum
well after that we kinda confused where to sit down. starbucks? full, literally. cafe's? full, this time i mean for my lovely big and puffy tummy. outside? it's so hooootty hooot. we went around, around, around. and finally Coffee Bean is the lucky place.
we're there for a while but then refie have this feeling that some guys have been watching us since we're at the foodcourt -_- when that guys move their seats to the table beside ours she got really paranoid sooo we have to leave our comfy place and.....back to the foodcourt haha
it was already 9.37 when finally achy's ride arrived. she drop us at school (thanks chy!) and my sister pick me up. she watched the same movie that day so we talk about it all the way home
once we got home my mom was like....'kok malem banget sih?!' and my dad has this 'cemberut' face because i got home at 10.30 sorry mom and dad.
but it was lots of fuuuuun. i cant wait for monday. me manda and the others are planning to go to pp or fx to watch angels and demons. wohooooo i've planned everything for the whole week. cant wait!
soooo whatcha gonna do?,
Friday, May 22, 2009
A Planner

just like the title. im a planner. i plan things. all the details, to-do, what i want to do, where i want to go. like.....really plan it all
i know that annoys people but i cant stand it! plan things make me have more control on what is going on. it made me have a back-up plan because i know what im doing. by planning i have a good time management. sooooo i can fit loads of activities in one day
for example : when we're going somewhere, i need to know how to get there and how to go home. i hate uncertain-ish thing. it stressed me out (believe it or not).
maybe its genetic. my mom have always done the same thing all her life. she puts all to do list for a day. she asks us where we want to go, what time, etc so she can manage it all fit the timing to our schedule
sometimes i really want to make this habit go away and loosen up. it drives me nuts have to control all things that i do! but i feel blessed too to have this, it made people (especially my mom) trust me to plan my own schedule so it dont ruin everybody else's.
wow such a random post. i dont know what else to write sooooo.....
namira. moah
Thursday, May 21, 2009
mood swings

hem okey im having a big bad mood swings
i hate it
well im not the only one who have this kind of problem. i think everybody have experienced it. its annoying aite?
usually girls got it more often then boys since we got that PMS hahaha which we always use as an excuse whenever we feel our temper is going to burst, at least for me ;)
i dont know what else to write. i cant tell you what make me have such a bad mood swings, it just simply because i dont know. that's why they call it mood swings.
im just going to write how to handle it. so it dont make things worse than already is hahaha
here are my top 10 :
1. Chocolate!
they got this 'thing' that stimulates our 'happy hormone'
2. Watch movies
especially comedies. it really helps. but look for the movies that simply make you laugh. love stories is a big no no. for me, it brings the stress.
3. Keep Working
not work literally. maybe you can waste your time doing something that dont really make you use your emotion. like play PC games ooooor cooking just something you can enjoy
4. Happy Songs
listen to something upbeat. you dont know what songs can do to relax our nerves. try it!
5. Controlling Conversation
when you interacting with other people it really use up you emotion. so try not to brought up conversation that will made your bad mood resurfacing
6. Tea Break
maybe some of you dont like tea. but for me it really helps. i love the smell. you can change the tea to some thing you love. like ice chocolate perhaps
7. Alone Time
whether you realize it or not, we need time for ourself. with nobody around you can do anything you like. you can polish you nails or scrub your feet or look like a mess with no one judging you
8. Share
call your friends! let them know how you feel. good friends will listen even if it just you screaming because you dont know what make you have this bad swings mood going on
9. Hang Out
we're social creature. we need to socialize. hang out with your friends or anyone that you know
10. If Things Got Worse...
Try not to make contact. calm yourself. then you can go out
so far i did only step one to seven. it's enough to stabilized my mood so i dont burst for no reason. hope it helps!
buhbye people!
namira <3
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
vac vac vacatioooon
hari terakhir besok loh MUAHAHAHAHA evil abis
gila gue semangatnya udah kea orang gila hahaha what the helllllll ahahahahah
liburan satu setengah bulan meeeen. kurang lama apa? jarang jarang banget liburan selama ini
gue gak ada rencana buat liburan nih palingan nonton inlabs soooo everybody feel free to ask me out everyday.
tapi gue ada beberapa to do list yang pengen gue penuhin
1. ke dufaaaaaaaan
2. ke waterbom PIK
3. BALI!!!
4. spa hahaha
5. stay at somebody's house
6. get a new haircut
7. learn new recipe
8. hang out
9. watch every movies
10. ke subtitle
ada yang mau nemenin? hahaha canda. beneran juga gak papa ;p
sooo whatcha doin for holiday?,
gila gue semangatnya udah kea orang gila hahaha what the helllllll ahahahahah
liburan satu setengah bulan meeeen. kurang lama apa? jarang jarang banget liburan selama ini
gue gak ada rencana buat liburan nih palingan nonton inlabs soooo everybody feel free to ask me out everyday.
tapi gue ada beberapa to do list yang pengen gue penuhin
1. ke dufaaaaaaaan
2. ke waterbom PIK
3. BALI!!!
4. spa hahaha
5. stay at somebody's house
6. get a new haircut
7. learn new recipe
8. hang out
9. watch every movies
10. ke subtitle
ada yang mau nemenin? hahaha canda. beneran juga gak papa ;p
sooo whatcha doin for holiday?,
Monday, May 18, 2009
ih ih ih
jadi hari ini gue UAS agama sama pkn dan kemaren kea ganiat belajar sama sekali gitu
tapi gue kea belajar serius agamanya walaupun gak banyak yang nyantol diotak. seenggaknya usaha yaga?
naaaaaaaah tadi pertama uas pkn udah degdegan nih essaynya mampus aja kalo sampe gangerti wuaaaaaaaa
masih gampang lah walaupun udah pasti salah satu karena gue gak tahu apa itu 'sistem pemerintahan menurut UUD 1945' ada yang tahu? feel free to let me know :)
PG nya juga gak terlalu susah palingan yang gak yakin kea cuma....5 hahaha
terus berlanjut ke istirahat, gue gak makan tapi ngobrol dll gitulah namanya juga wanita
begitu masuk kelas udah komat-kamit doa minta bantuan dibagiin lembar jawaban, di bagiin soal
buka lembar pertama bulet satu (gue kebiasa kalo gak yakin/gak tahu di buletin nomernya)
lembar ke dua bulet 2
lembar ke tiga bulet 2 juga
lembar ke empat bulet 4 haha ekstreeem
lembar ke lima bulet empat juga
lembar ke enam bulet 2
ajib? banget. ha ha
berlanjut ke essay
soal pertama asiklah lumayan
soal kedua juga asik
soal ke tiga '6 rukun haji' mampus lo mi gak tahu gak belajar sihhhhhh. (what? am i supposed to know all the things in the whole wide world?)
soal ke empat asik juga
ke lima rukun wudhu ih babi gak tahu jadiii......ngasal -_-
see? 17 soal gak tahu 17!
mamaaaaaaa maaaaaaaaaaaaaf,
tapi gue kea belajar serius agamanya walaupun gak banyak yang nyantol diotak. seenggaknya usaha yaga?
naaaaaaaah tadi pertama uas pkn udah degdegan nih essaynya mampus aja kalo sampe gangerti wuaaaaaaaa
masih gampang lah walaupun udah pasti salah satu karena gue gak tahu apa itu 'sistem pemerintahan menurut UUD 1945' ada yang tahu? feel free to let me know :)
PG nya juga gak terlalu susah palingan yang gak yakin kea cuma....5 hahaha
terus berlanjut ke istirahat, gue gak makan tapi ngobrol dll gitulah namanya juga wanita
begitu masuk kelas udah komat-kamit doa minta bantuan dibagiin lembar jawaban, di bagiin soal
buka lembar pertama bulet satu (gue kebiasa kalo gak yakin/gak tahu di buletin nomernya)
lembar ke dua bulet 2
lembar ke tiga bulet 2 juga
lembar ke empat bulet 4 haha ekstreeem
lembar ke lima bulet empat juga
lembar ke enam bulet 2
ajib? banget. ha ha
berlanjut ke essay
soal pertama asiklah lumayan
soal kedua juga asik
soal ke tiga '6 rukun haji' mampus lo mi gak tahu gak belajar sihhhhhh. (what? am i supposed to know all the things in the whole wide world?)
soal ke empat asik juga
ke lima rukun wudhu ih babi gak tahu jadiii......ngasal -_-
see? 17 soal gak tahu 17!
mamaaaaaaa maaaaaaaaaaaaaf,
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Nancy Drew
jadi sudah menjadi tradisi kalo setiap tahun kelas tiga kea ngadain farewell gitu kan ya? iya dong
naaaaah farewell gue ada tema-nya kawankawan yaitu..... 'timeline-movies'
jadi kita kea boleh dress up as a character in a movie boleh yang dari tahun jebot sampe jadi robocop terserah deh maunya apaan bebas sebebasbebasnya
terus beberapa bulan lalu gue lagi nyari ide soalnya biar cepet nyiapinnya dan pas ujianujian gue gak keganggu mulailah gue dengan menyalakan internet klik!
terus buka google
terus nyari gambar
banyak banget yang luculucu tapi gue gak mau nyari yang susaaaah males bikinnya nyesuaiinnya belom lagi kalo gak sesuai harapan mesti di permak ulang
akhirnya gue nemuin satu

thanks to Inca Camilla Parengkuan hahaha
jadinya gue memutuskan untuk jadi dia u yeah u yeah
tapi gak persis kea gitu palingan yang sama coat nya doang sisanya ide sendiri ah ahahaha
doain hasilnya bagus deh nanti
love you all,
mia namira
jadi sudah menjadi tradisi kalo setiap tahun kelas tiga kea ngadain farewell gitu kan ya? iya dong
naaaaah farewell gue ada tema-nya kawankawan yaitu..... 'timeline-movies'
jadi kita kea boleh dress up as a character in a movie boleh yang dari tahun jebot sampe jadi robocop terserah deh maunya apaan bebas sebebasbebasnya
terus beberapa bulan lalu gue lagi nyari ide soalnya biar cepet nyiapinnya dan pas ujianujian gue gak keganggu mulailah gue dengan menyalakan internet klik!
terus buka google
terus nyari gambar
banyak banget yang luculucu tapi gue gak mau nyari yang susaaaah males bikinnya nyesuaiinnya belom lagi kalo gak sesuai harapan mesti di permak ulang
akhirnya gue nemuin satu

Nancy Drew!
thanks to Inca Camilla Parengkuan hahaha
jadinya gue memutuskan untuk jadi dia u yeah u yeah
tapi gak persis kea gitu palingan yang sama coat nya doang sisanya ide sendiri ah ahahaha
doain hasilnya bagus deh nanti
love you all,
mia namira
Saturday, May 16, 2009
shattered glass
Did I wake you, we’re you sleepin’, were you still in my bed?
Or is a nightmare keepin’ you up instead?
Oh baby, are you feelin’ guilty for what you did?
If you think you’re hurtin’, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.
Was it really worth it?
Was she everything that you were looking for?
Feel like a man?
I hope you know that, you can’t come back
Cause all we had, is broken like Shattered Glass.
You’re gonna see me, in your dreams tonight
My face is gonna haunt you all the time
I promise that you gon’ want me back
When your world falls apart, like shattered glass
Are you having trouble focusin’ throught the day?
Do you find yourself, still callin’ my name?
Do you wish you could rewind time and take it back?
I bet you realize, that she ain’t half the woman I am.
~ Britney Spears
Or is a nightmare keepin’ you up instead?
Oh baby, are you feelin’ guilty for what you did?
If you think you’re hurtin’, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.
Was it really worth it?
Was she everything that you were looking for?
Feel like a man?
I hope you know that, you can’t come back
Cause all we had, is broken like Shattered Glass.
You’re gonna see me, in your dreams tonight
My face is gonna haunt you all the time
I promise that you gon’ want me back
When your world falls apart, like shattered glass
Are you having trouble focusin’ throught the day?
Do you find yourself, still callin’ my name?
Do you wish you could rewind time and take it back?
I bet you realize, that she ain’t half the woman I am.
~ Britney Spears
Friday, May 15, 2009
Uprak Gedubrak
hahaha norak banget judulnya jadi minggu ini tuh ya gue ulangan praktek jadi pulangnya kea cepet mulu. seru men ajib
oke hari pertama itu TIK gue dateng mepet jam 7. biasalah puaspuasin tidur selama mungkin
datengdateng ketemu reyhan abis itu kita menuju kelas ternyata pada turun buat ke lab komputer. ikutlah gue kesana naik keatas abis itu Nisa sudah dadah dadah dengan semangat
masuuuuk di bagiin soal.
ms word? kecilllll
ms excel? upiiiiiil
ms powerpoint? mulai garukgaruk kepala
coreldraw? terjun yuk bareng
gue gak selese meeeeeeeeeeeen. padahal gue ketemu komputer tiap hari berjamjam gue elus elus gue pencetpencet s-e-t-i-a-p h-a-r-i kenapa gue bisa gak selesaaaaaaaaaaai? emang ya corel draw minta di kentutin
selasa itu apa ya? oh iya bahasa indonesia samaaaaaa seni musik. minggu sebelumnya kita kea udah latihan buat ini jadi insyaallah ini adalah ulangan praktek yang kita paling niat haha bahasa indonesia beol dasar bikin pegel. seni musik kan performance yang bareng dulu sempat menghadapi krisis di saat saat akhir tapi bisa dilalui lah ahhaha terus pas undian gue dapet lagu wajib teguh kukuh berlapis baja nunggu lamaaa banget. terus gue grogi biasalah demam panggung haha pas maju suara udah bagusbagus eeeeeh lyupa lyric hahaha
jadi kirakira :
' teguh kukuh berlapis baja semangat..eh rantai smangat mengikat jiwa. tegak benteng indonesia..emm..euh.. eduh..bentarbentar...aduh apaya.. emm.. OOH! tengah badai bersatu padu'
hahaha -_-
rabu adalaaaaaah olah raga daaaaaaan jengjeng agama. padahal dari malemnya kan gue kea rada demam gitu jadinya mau bolos minta susulan sekalian ada waktu tambahan buat ngafal annaziat. eh paginya Tuhan berkata beda...gue jadi sehat walafiat seperti tak terjadi apa. paginya olah raga teruuuuus agama untung dapetnya yang gampang. alhamdulillah ya Allah makasih
kamis itu adalaaaah ipa sama bahasa inggris. nothing much cuma gitugitu doang
jumat seni rupa dan kjp. gue gambaaaaar......ELANG!
macho abis gak sih. mukanya doang gitu nge zooooooom. fieeeerceeeee. kalo kata pepe 'mia gini gini gambarnya gahar' hahaha yoi pe
besok my knight in shining armor ulang tahun nih. bilangnya sekarang aja ya HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAK SANDY
wish you all the super best deh love ya muahmuah
that's all folks!
oke hari pertama itu TIK gue dateng mepet jam 7. biasalah puaspuasin tidur selama mungkin
datengdateng ketemu reyhan abis itu kita menuju kelas ternyata pada turun buat ke lab komputer. ikutlah gue kesana naik keatas abis itu Nisa sudah dadah dadah dengan semangat
masuuuuk di bagiin soal.
ms word? kecilllll
ms excel? upiiiiiil
ms powerpoint? mulai garukgaruk kepala
coreldraw? terjun yuk bareng
gue gak selese meeeeeeeeeeeen. padahal gue ketemu komputer tiap hari berjamjam gue elus elus gue pencetpencet s-e-t-i-a-p h-a-r-i kenapa gue bisa gak selesaaaaaaaaaaai? emang ya corel draw minta di kentutin
selasa itu apa ya? oh iya bahasa indonesia samaaaaaa seni musik. minggu sebelumnya kita kea udah latihan buat ini jadi insyaallah ini adalah ulangan praktek yang kita paling niat haha bahasa indonesia beol dasar bikin pegel. seni musik kan performance yang bareng dulu sempat menghadapi krisis di saat saat akhir tapi bisa dilalui lah ahhaha terus pas undian gue dapet lagu wajib teguh kukuh berlapis baja nunggu lamaaa banget. terus gue grogi biasalah demam panggung haha pas maju suara udah bagusbagus eeeeeh lyupa lyric hahaha
jadi kirakira :
' teguh kukuh berlapis baja semangat..eh rantai smangat mengikat jiwa. tegak benteng indonesia..emm..euh.. eduh..bentarbentar...aduh apaya.. emm.. OOH! tengah badai bersatu padu'
hahaha -_-
rabu adalaaaaaah olah raga daaaaaaan jengjeng agama. padahal dari malemnya kan gue kea rada demam gitu jadinya mau bolos minta susulan sekalian ada waktu tambahan buat ngafal annaziat. eh paginya Tuhan berkata beda...gue jadi sehat walafiat seperti tak terjadi apa. paginya olah raga teruuuuus agama untung dapetnya yang gampang. alhamdulillah ya Allah makasih
kamis itu adalaaaah ipa sama bahasa inggris. nothing much cuma gitugitu doang
jumat seni rupa dan kjp. gue gambaaaaar......ELANG!
macho abis gak sih. mukanya doang gitu nge zooooooom. fieeeerceeeee. kalo kata pepe 'mia gini gini gambarnya gahar' hahaha yoi pe
besok my knight in shining armor ulang tahun nih. bilangnya sekarang aja ya HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAK SANDY
wish you all the super best deh love ya muahmuah
that's all folks!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Sunday, May 10, 2009
words is the sharpest knife
words is the most destructive weapon
words is a killing machine
words is the sweetest yet most poisonous venom
words can hurt you inside and out while the real knife can only hurt your shell
words can tear down people from their roots it will kill you before you realize it
so be careful when you talk. it will hurt people you love even if you didn't mean to
once they got hurt, there's only a small chance left to mend it
even if you did it, it will leave marks
words is the most destructive weapon
words is a killing machine
words is the sweetest yet most poisonous venom
words can hurt you inside and out while the real knife can only hurt your shell
words can tear down people from their roots it will kill you before you realize it
so be careful when you talk. it will hurt people you love even if you didn't mean to
once they got hurt, there's only a small chance left to mend it
even if you did it, it will leave marks
sumpah beberapa hari ini gue lagi gak tenang banget. mulai dari bentar lagi US praktek sampe halhal yang gak penting. kea setiap melakukan sesuatu pasti ada perasaan gak tenangnya. padahal kan segalanya membutuhkan ketenangan yaga? gak juga sih.
udah ah males cerita cuma mau ngasih tahu lagi gak tenang hahahah
byebye peeps,
sumpah beberapa hari ini gue lagi gak tenang banget. mulai dari bentar lagi US praktek sampe halhal yang gak penting. kea setiap melakukan sesuatu pasti ada perasaan gak tenangnya. padahal kan segalanya membutuhkan ketenangan yaga? gak juga sih.
udah ah males cerita cuma mau ngasih tahu lagi gak tenang hahahah
byebye peeps,
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
heyyo people
sooooo how are you doin'?
im fineeeeeee, super fine
not super fine actually, still nervous waiting for my UAN results
sorry i haven't posted anything, but now i'll tell you about my days after UAN
on thursday is the last day of UAN sooooo freeeedooooooooooooooom, freedoooooom. i went to nisa's with manda and refi we watch legally blonds 3 its kinda lame, no offense but it looks like a...well you'll know what i mean once you watch it hahaha
friday funday. i stayed at refi's with rara and achi. we have so much fuuuuuun. at about 2 pm achi came, we went together to refi's because it is quite far from my house and achy needs a ride. at 3 we took off to refi's we got there and refi was wearing a really rainbow-ish and candy like skirt. we dressed up to go to kemang (since it was our first day free from UAN) love it love it. refi wore a black top with high waist black jeans, me a dress and leopard-ish jacket, achy a hot pants and kemben. and then rara came! hooray! she wore a red tank-top with hot pants. we have so much fun we got home at 00.30 sooo late hahaha
saturday loveydovey time. went to PI to meet chris we watched WOLVERINE it was super cooooooool you should watch it. i love Wade so ganteng ahhahaha. chris took me to home sweet home.
sunday is my tummy day. its the first day i leyeleye all day long. i really mean it like...ALL day long. i sat in front of my computer and wonders what i'll do and then i watched some movies at hbo and star movies, after that i eat everything i can ahuahua fatty me (fyi, for this last couple of months i always do some push-ups and sit-ups before i went to sleep. sooo soooon i'll be the muscle lady -_- hahaha no no, it's creepy to be too muscular)
byebye peeps
love ya,
sooooo how are you doin'?
im fineeeeeee, super fine
not super fine actually, still nervous waiting for my UAN results
sorry i haven't posted anything, but now i'll tell you about my days after UAN
on thursday is the last day of UAN sooooo freeeedooooooooooooooom, freedoooooom. i went to nisa's with manda and refi we watch legally blonds 3 its kinda lame, no offense but it looks like a...well you'll know what i mean once you watch it hahaha
friday funday. i stayed at refi's with rara and achi. we have so much fuuuuuun. at about 2 pm achi came, we went together to refi's because it is quite far from my house and achy needs a ride. at 3 we took off to refi's we got there and refi was wearing a really rainbow-ish and candy like skirt. we dressed up to go to kemang (since it was our first day free from UAN) love it love it. refi wore a black top with high waist black jeans, me a dress and leopard-ish jacket, achy a hot pants and kemben. and then rara came! hooray! she wore a red tank-top with hot pants. we have so much fun we got home at 00.30 sooo late hahaha
saturday loveydovey time. went to PI to meet chris we watched WOLVERINE it was super cooooooool you should watch it. i love Wade so ganteng ahhahaha. chris took me to home sweet home.
sunday is my tummy day. its the first day i leyeleye all day long. i really mean it like...ALL day long. i sat in front of my computer and wonders what i'll do and then i watched some movies at hbo and star movies, after that i eat everything i can ahuahua fatty me (fyi, for this last couple of months i always do some push-ups and sit-ups before i went to sleep. sooo soooon i'll be the muscle lady -_- hahaha no no, it's creepy to be too muscular)
byebye peeps
love ya,
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